Port Lincoln Residents to Have Say on Road Upgrades

Flinders State Liberal MP Sam Telfer has welcomed the proposal by the Department of Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) to upgrade major intersections within Port Lincoln.

Mr Telfer said feedback on the proposals from DIT was important to ensure the best possible outcome for residents and for optimal traffic flows through the town.

“The former Liberal Government put significant investment in our local roads, and it is pleasing to see this vital work has been carried on by DIT. After all the effort put in to get to this point, we need to make sure that the work that gets done is what our community needs,” Mr Telfer said.

“I know that Mayor Brad Flaherty and the City of Port Lincoln have worked hard to achieve the best possible results for local residents, and the concept designs will provide improved road safety and comfort.” “I have maintained ongoing correspondence and contact with the Minister to highlight the poor state of condition which many of our roads are in, especially the main thoroughfare of Liverpool Street,” Mr Telfer said.

Mr Telfer said Port Lincoln residents received notification of the works from DIT this week via a letterbox drop, and that community feedback would allow DIT to provide the best outcomes for local motorists.

“Community feedback can be submitted online or in person, and I am grateful to DIT for offering Community Information Sessions to local residents,” Mr Telfer said.

Community Information Sessions will be held at the Nautilus Arts Centre on Thursday, 20 October and Friday, 21 October between 11am and 1pm, and again from 4pm and 6pm.

Email submissions can also be made to [email protected].

Submissions close on Friday, 11 November.

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