Labor’s desalination plant delays must come to an end

The Opposition is calling on Labor’s Water Minister Susan Close – who recently returned to South Australia after a month-long overseas holiday – to end the delays and finally move forward with a new desalination facility for the Eyre Peninsula.

Currently, the region is at risk of running out of water by 2025 with damage to the aquifer also a serious possibility.

The independent Eyre Peninsula Desalination Plant Site Selection Committee – made up of key local stakeholders from industry, local government and the wider community – considered more than 20 locations for the project around the Eyre Peninsula coast.

The Committee handed down its recommendations in August, which included a new proposed site at Sleaford Bay.

Leader of the Opposition David Speirs – who visited Port Lincoln this week – said now that Susan Close is back from overseas holidays, she must stop dithering and provide the Eyre Peninsula community with much needed certainty over their water supply.

“Debate over the desalination plant has dragged on for long enough and now’s the time for Susan Close to take action,” Mr Speirs said.

“I’ve been speaking to local residents and businesses right around the Eyre Peninsula and they are genuinely worried about long-term water security.

“The region’s underground water supply is under significant pressure and time is rapidly running out, so it’s vital Susan Close makes a decision and this project is finally brought to fruition.

“We know Susan Close just returned from an overseas holiday, but she needs to put the passport and souvenirs away and focus on more important matters like water security on the Eyre Peninsula.”

Shadow Minister for Water Resources and the River Murray Nicola Centofanti said the Eyre Peninsula deserves a reliable source of water.

“The desalination plant isn’t just critical for the Eyre Peninsula but the entire state,” Dr Centofanti said.

“It’s important we get it right and Susan Close has been provided with a range of expertise and local knowledge to make this project happen.

“The sun’s set on Susan Close’s overseas holiday, so now’s the time for her to rise to the occasion and find a timely solution for the Eyre Peninsula’s water supply issues.”

Member for Flinders Sam Telfer emphasised the urgency of finding a solution to the Eyre Peninsula’s future water needs.

“The Selection Committee conducted thorough research and discussion before ultimately recommending Sleaford Bay as their proposed site,” Mr Telfer said.

“It was a huge undertaking, with environmental, social, technical, cultural and economic criteria all taken into account.

“The ball is now in Susan Close’s court and she must take swift action to provide a sustainable water source for the region as supply could be exhausted in the very near future.”

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