Backpacker Licensing Clarity Needed

With our aquaculture, agriculture, and horticulture industries increasingly relying on interstate and overseas itinerant workers to perform essential production duties, Member for Flinders Sam Telfer is urging the State government to provide clarity around driver’s license arrangements.

“Primary producers, family members, or employees of a primary producer who do not hold the appropriate class of license can apply for a restricted license to operate tractors and farm machinery if they hold a South Australian license, but seemingly there is no process for this to occur for primary producer employees from interstate or overseas,” Mr Telfer said.

“This issue has been brought to my attention after a recent government blitz targeted at the oyster industry, which relies on working holiday makers and backpackers for their oyster production, but all primary production businesses are now left with uncertainty and seemingly no way forward on this issue,” Mr Telfer said.

“I have written to both Ministers Koutsantonis and Scriven bringing this issue to their attention, and highlighting the importance of consideration to be taken to accommodate these workers to enable them to perform the important duties that primary producer businesses across South Australia need them to,” Mr Telfer said.

“Our current regional skills shortage has exacerbated the challenges of filling important roles in primary production, especially around peak demand times of harvest. The government needs to take action, or else our agricultural businesses, oyster growers, and horticulturalists could be potentially left in the lurch with no options,” Mr Telfer said.

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