PATS Waitlist Unacceptable

State Member for Flinders Sam Telfer MP is calling on the State Government to
immediately allocate more short-term resources into the processing of claims to the
Patient Assistance Transport Scheme (PATS).

“My office has received a significant escalation in community concerns in recent weeks on
the extended claim response times, with reports of patients waiting several weeks,
sometimes several months, for any response from their PATS applications. After our
assistance to work through a follow-up process for many patients, they have received
correspondence from PATS officers admitting that they are struggling with the current
workload leading to processing times ballooning out.” Mr Telfer said.

“Patients from my electorate in particular rely on an effective PATS system, as the
specialist health delivery within my community is very limited, thus are forced to travel
significant distance, usually to Adelaide, to receive that care.” Mr Telfer said.

“I have many constituents who are waiting for multiple PATS claims to be returned, with
further medical visits imminent soon. With the current cost of living crisis, some patients
are seriously considering whether they can afford the considerable up-front cost of travel
which is necessary for that treatment.” Mr Telfer said.

“There is obviously a considerable backlog of claims within the PATS system currently
leading to unacceptable waiting times for people to get their claim funds back, and the
Minister needs to act now to get the PATS system back on track,” said Mr Telfer.

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