EP Crime Concerns
I took the opportunity this week to voice the concerns of our community in Parliament when it comes to levels of crime, a growing issue right across our state. If you missed my speech, you can view it by clicking below.
I took the opportunity this week to voice the concerns of our community in Parliament when it comes to levels of crime, a growing issue right across our state. If you missed my speech, you can view it by clicking below.
Last month I caught up with Riz from Magic 89.9 to discuss the latest goings on around the Flinders electorate. If you missed our chat, you can listen in by clicking here.
With the new year upon us, it’s time for me to return to providing regular updates on our local radio stations. In January I caught up with the new breakfast host on Magic 89.9, James Risby, to chat about matters affecting the Flinders electorate. If you missed the chat, you can listen in by clicking …
As we close out the year, I made my final appearance for the year on 5CC with Terry, discussing local matters. If you missed my interview yesterday, you can click here to tune in.
As your member of Parliament, I believe that having reliable mobile phone coverage is essential for our regional communities, businesses and families. On 28 October, Telstra and Optus switched off their 3G mobile networks. Although this was a long time coming, and was delayed thanks to advocacy especially from regional communities, there are still many …
With the end of the year fast approaching, I have sent out my latest community newsletter. If you haven’t received yours by mail, or simply wish to view the full newsletter online instead, you can do so by clicking here.
With significant community concern arising in Ceduna about the removal of a locum doctor position in the town, I took the opportunity in Parliament this week to seek the Minister’s attention to this issue. Our communities are already at a disadvantage compared to our city cousins, and we don’t have as many options for health …
Each month, I sit down with the team at 5CC and go through the major concerns around the Flinders electorate. If you missed my chat with Brett last week, you can catch up by clicking here.
It was my privilege to reflect in Parliament on Remembrance Day, remembering the sacrifice so many made in defence of our country and the values we hold dear. I was also able to share about the RSLs across my electorate, and especially the Port Lincoln RSL and the poignant service on Monday, but also the …
Last month I caught up with Brett from Good Morning EP on 5CC to discuss the latest issues around the Flinders electorate. If you’d like to catch up on what I had to say, you can listen in by clicking here.