The electorate of Flinders is named for Captain Matthew Flinders,
RN (1774-1814) who made the first charts of the Australian coast and promoted the name Australia.
The electorate of Flinders includes the City of Port Lincoln and the District Councils of Ceduna, Cleve, Elliston, Franklin Harbour, Kimba, Lower Eyre Peninsula, Streaky Bay, Tumby Bay and Wudinna, the Local Government Area of Maralinga Tjarutja, as well as a portion of the Pastoral Unincorporated Area which includes the localities of Fowlers Bay, Nullarbor and Yalata.
Flinders was a district for the Legislative Councils of 1851-1856. It was one of the original 17 state electorates created in 1856 and effective at the first elections held for a bicameral parliament in South Australia in 1857. It is the only district to have survived in name continuously through to the present day.
Flinders is best known for its agriculture sector, both livestock and grain production, and its aquaculture sector, with Port Lincoln home to the largest fishing fleet in Australia.